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Slayer in the Wide Valley

By Adam Misner


Liam enjoyed the work of a caravan guard. Protecting people suited him well. But, even so, killing his fellow man left a bitter taste in his mouth. Then one night on a mountain road, his caravan was attacked by Orcs, a savage race of monsters. This scourge of the borderlands killed and ate innocents mindlessly, and he felt no guilt in slaying evil. This work suited him even better.

But should a battlemage of modest swordsmanship and magical ability dream of driving orcs extinct? of journeying to the end of the world?

What awaits Liam Shepard on his quest? Find out in…

Slayer in the Wide Valley

Treading Water

By Adam Misner


The story begins with Simon, a skinny, blonde, twenty something who’s reeling from a rough breakup. To cope, he gets himself to Disney World and mindlessly rides a roller coaster there, again and again, doing his best to keep himself from thinking. Through the crowd he’s noticed by Morrigan, a ride attendant. She’s a goth chick born a thousand miles away, with very little in common with him, but she can recognize a kindred spirit.